About ICED 2017

  • 2017-07-21 12:00:00 2017-07-25 12:00:00 Europe/London ICED 2017 21st International Conference on Engineering Design UBC, University of British Columbia Eventegg info@eventegg.com

ICED 2017, will take place from 21 Jul to 25 Jul 2017.

The Conference location will be University of British Columbia in Vancouver, British Columbia Canada.

The prominent event in Engineering and Design categories will be the centerpiece of Product Development, Engineering Design and Design Science fields.

ICED 2017 is a biennial Conference.

This Conference is organized by The Design Society.

Let Vancouver must do visitor attractions make you adore this city when you are there for ICED 2017. Here are the great things you can do in Vancouver!


University of British Columbia

Address : 1876-1984 Main Mall, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2, Canada


  • ICED 2015 Milan
  • 27 - 31 July 2015

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