How to Exercise on a Plane in 7 Ways

If you like to take action against the negative effects of sitting too long on a plane, these little exercises will protect your body.

Staying fit and healthy is the main concern of all the modern people for sure. However, we often complain about the lack of time and think that being fit is only for idle people. Endless working hours, attending numerous meetings and travelling to far away countries prevent us from exercising or eating healthy food while we are working. At least we believe so. The truth is - I know facing this is a bit irritating – it is not true. You can keep sticking to your healthy diet and to your exercise plan even while you are travelling. Wonder how? You can just take a look at my previous post 7 Ways to Eat Healthy While Travelling for Business to learn about the effective tips about staying healthy on your business trips. And how you can protect your body against the long haul flights and sitting too long will be explained now.

Every day, we learn new facts about how badly the immobility effects our body. It’s even considered as the new smoking and what’s worse, we just can’t quit sitting. I don’t want to talk about the illnesses that sitting too long without a break can cause in details because this is really disturbing but there is one motivating fact that we can come over it. Because when the negative effects of long haul flights are added, the situation becomes even worse. You may have already taken action to protect your health and have a full membership of a popular gym or consult a nutritionist regularly. Well, how about not wasting your time on the plane (because I remember you were complaining about the lack of time) and fight against the negative effects of both flying and sitting too long? There’s nothing to be ashamed of. You don’t need to lift your leg over your head. These are just tiny little exercises that will boost your blood circulation, prevent you from getting cramps or in other words, that will save your life.

Lift Your Knees

You just don’t need any equipment for this exercise. 2 of your legs are enough. Get strength from the armrest, pull your bellybutton to your spine, sit up straight and exhale while you lift your knee. You can do it one leg or two legs at a time. It’s up to your endurance. Do this exercise not more than 15 times and feel that your abs are really engaged.

Roll Your Shoulders

This is one of the easiest exercises. Place your feet flat on the floor, sit at the edge of the seat. Inhale and lift your shoulders then exhale and roll your shoulders back and down. You can do this up to 1 minute. This exercise will help you develop a better posture.

Pump Your Feet

Put your heels on the floor together and point your feet as high as you can. Then put the balls of your feet on the floor and lift your heels. Have a break for 30 seconds and continue the cycle. Don’t force yourself too much. You have enough time to repeat the exercises.

Flex Forward

Flexing forward will help you stretch your muscles and relieve the tension in your back. Pull your navel to your spine and put your feet on the floor. Then bend forward slowly and stretch your hands toward your ankles. Stay there for 15 seconds and sit back up again slowly.

Stretch Your Arms and Shoulder

Sit up straight and raise your arms over your head. With one hand, grasp the wrist of your other arm and stretch it towards the opposite direction. Hold it there for 15 seconds. Then repeat the exercise on the other arm. Then do the same exercise by holding your arm on the elbow stretch your shoulders this time again for 15 seconds each.

Stretch Your Neck

Stretching your neck is another vital exercise especially if you had to sleep uncomfortably on the plane. Sit at the edge of your seat and place your feet on the floor bend your head towards your one shoulder while you inhale. Then exhale to bring it back to the center. Repeat the exercise for the other side. You can do this exercise up to 1 minute.


Again take your position and sit up straight at the edge of your seat and put your feet flat on the floor. Put your right hand on your left knee and twist your body using your oblique muscles. Then bring your body to the center. Repeat the exercise for the other side. Inhale while twisting and exhale when you come to the center. Do this exercise for 10 breaths for each side.

Before finishing my post, I just need to remind you that drinking lots of water while on board will keep you hydrated during the flight and it helps not to have fatigue, dizziness and headache. It also promotes mental clarity. The last but never the least, don’t do these exercises above if they cause pain or if your physical condition doesn’t allow you to.

Have a healthy flight!