11 Things that your Trade Show Kit Should Include

Are you determined to have a noteworthy trade show experience? Read this post and take the precaution needed by preparing a trade show emergency kit.

If you’re an exhibitor for a long time, you should be accustomed to the problems that can occur during a trade show. However, if you are inexperienced in this business, you may not be aware of what exhibiting at a trade show can bring about and you may be caught unprepared. So, if you are a first time exhibitor or if you haven’t met any inconveniences during your trade shows, a trade show kit may save you from unexpected trade show mishaps that can interrupt your business. You have been preparing for this trade show for months and invested so much money for it, you don’t want that bad luck to ruin your day, would you? Read this post and take the precaution needed by preparing a trade show emergency kit before your next trade show experience and get the most out of it.

Spare Bulbs

Light is the most important attraction of your booth and yes, you think you have the brightest booth among all and your bulbs are all new and no mishap can occur. But if happens, you booth will seem like an old motel signboard in a deserted village. So spare bulbs are the most important items in your trade show kit.

Duct Tape

Our all-time life saver duct tape is indispensable for a trade show kit. You just can’t guess how many problems it can solve on its own.

An Extension Cord

You may have arranged your booth location perfectly days before the trade show but always bear in your mind that last minute changes are always possible at both sides. So in such cases an extension cord will come in handy both for your equipment and your lighting.

Cordless Screwdriver

What are you planning to do if one side of your booth will come off and a piece of duct tape is just not enough to hold it? Yes, the exhibition hall may provide you one but if you want to take immediate action, it won’t cost you much.

Office Supplies

Extra pens, highlighters, double sided tapes, permanent markers, paper clips, staples, envelopes, papers and rubber bands are also perfect gadgets to meet your any kind of needs.


When scissors can be needed anytime and anywhere, why wouldn’t you need scissors during your trade show exhibit? It will definitely be your best friend during the show. Your trade show kit will be never complete without scissors.

Hygiene Supplies

Your booth should always shine during the trade show. So you need to be prepared for a spill of coffee or fingerprints on your banner. Paper tissues, wipes, hand sanitizers, paper towels and garbage bags should be among the items in your trade show kit.

Technology Gadgets

Spare cables, extra adapters, batteries, converters and anything that you may need for your media equipment should be placed in your trade show kit.

Sewing Kit

Yes, you need to think about it. What if a button of your shirt comes off or your pant is torn? You don’t want to meet your customers with a loose button, do you? Never leave your sewing kit behind, then.

Personal Care

Your look, physical condition and how you feel all matter during a trade show. So you shouldn’t let anything bother you. Your tooth brush, pain killers, lip balm, mint, nutritious bars, throat lozenges or hand cream will make you feel yourself confident all the time.

Digital Camera

The last but never the least thing to put inside your trade show kit is a digital camera. You never want that your noteworthy exhibit will just fade away just after the show, don’t you? So take a digital camera with you and record the important moments of your exhibit. Also take photos and share these photos on your social media accounts, brochures or on your website.

Your trade show kit may vary according to your field of business but I tried to outline the things that every exhibitor can need during a trade show. You can omit or add some things to your own trade show kit and remember, once you prepare your kit, you can reuse it for your next exhibits. And if you are determined to have an uninterrupted, noteworthy trade show experience, never skip preparing a trade show kit.